Attendance Notes

Charles City Elementary School Attendance


Please send all Elementary attendance messages/excuses to the following email address:     

  • All supporting documents (such as doctor's note, dentist notes, etc.) can be dropped off in the main office of each school.
  • Attendance will be taken by the teacher during each class session.  
  • All absences and tardies will be determined as either EXCUSED or UNEXCUSED depending on the reason provided by the parent/guardian.
  • A reason for absence should be reported within two school days after the student returns.  
  • Students who accumulate excessive unexcused tardies or unexcused absences will be documented reported to school administrators.
  • Attendance Codes in PowerSchool- Blank=Present, UA=Unexcused absence, MC=Missed Class, UT=Unexcused tardy, ISS=In School Suspension, OS=Out of school suspension, HBS- Home Bound Student)